Company registration in the UK

Company registration in the UK allows entrepreneurs to grow within a stable economic environment governed by clear, transparent regulations. Our team at Lawtter Solutions is dedicated to easing this significant transition by providing a comprehensive suite of services for registering your company in the United Kingdom. We are here to help lay a robust foundation for your business along the banks of the Thames.

Order a service

1 100 EUR*

Cost of service

1-3 days

Term of registration in the registry

19%; 25%

Income tax

No personal visit

Company registration type


Incorporating a company in the UK is an excellent step toward formalizing your aspirations within a sound legal framework, thereby opening avenues to the international business arena.

At Lawtter Solutions, you will encounter seasoned legal advisors who are prepared to provide bespoke solutions ensuring the successful inception and sustainable development of your business.


We are poised to offer more than just a standard service package — we provide customized solutions meticulously tailored to meet your specific needs and ambitions.



Advantages of Registering a Business in the UK


Stable Economic Environment

The UK is renowned for its robust economic system and political stability, which cultivates a favorable setting for business growth and development.

Prestige and Recognition

Having a UK address lends prestige and credibility in the eyes of the international business community, significantly enhancing the trust of customers and partners alike.

Market Access

Incorporation facilitates seamless access to the markets of the European Union and the broader global market.

Advantageous Taxation

The UK’s appealing tax system fosters an optimal business environment, featuring competitive corporate tax rates.

Transparent Legal System

A clear and transparent legal framework simplifies business operations and minimizes legal risks.

Flexible Corporate Structure

The UK provides versatile options for establishing a corporate structure, allowing easy adaptation to evolving business needs.

Professional Services

The abundance of professional legal, financial, and consulting services available aids in swiftly and efficiently resolving issues.

Innovative Community

The UK houses numerous innovative companies and start-ups, presenting a stimulating environment for modern, forward-thinking entrepreneurs.

Types of companies

Want to start your own company in England? Choosing the type of company is an important step on the road to success. Let us help you understand the different options and present you with the benefits of each.

Sole Trader

If you prefer to work alone and control all aspects of your business, a sole trader is the perfect choice. You have complete freedom of decision-making and are personally responsible for financial obligations.


Private Limited Company

A private limited company is an attractive option for commercial organizations. You can choose between two types: Limited By Shares and Limited By Guarantee. In the first case, you own shares in the company, and your liability is limited to the amount of your contribution. In the second case, you are liable only up to the guaranteed amount.


Public Limited Company

If you plan to attract investors and grow your business on a large scale, a public limited company is your ideal choice. This type of company gives you the ability to sell shares on public markets and raise capital.


Limited Partnership

If you prefer to work in partnership but want to limit your liability, a limited partnership is the best choice. In this case, one of the partners has unlimited liability, while the other partners have limited liability.


Limited Liability Partnership for all partners

If you and your partners want to have limited liability, choosing a limited liability partnership for all partners is an excellent solution. All partners have limited liability for the financial obligations of the company.



We can advise you on choosing the most suitable type of company for your purposes and assist you in preparing all the necessary documentation. Do not miss the opportunity to create your own successful company with minimal risks and maximum protection.

Requirements for Incorporation of Company in England

Are you interested in the business incorporation of company in the United Kingdom but unsure about the organizational and legal requirements? We are here to provide you with comprehensive assistance in understanding and creating the ideal conditions for your business.


Appointing a director is the initial step towards forming a reliable management team. We will assist you in selecting qualified personnel capable of managing your business effectively in accordance with British legislation.



It’s crucial to properly structure shareholder relations to ensure company stability. Lawtter Solutions will provide professional support throughout all stages of shareholder structure registration.



Providing a legal address in the United Kingdom meets legislative requirements and lends your business the requisite status and recognition.



We will help create an appealing and memorable name for your company that reflects its mission and values while complying with all legislative requirements.


Authorized Capital

Determining the authorized capital is a vital aspect of reflecting the financial stability of your business. With Lawtter Solutions, this process will be thoroughly transparent and understandable.


Local Account

Opening a local bank account is a key aspect that simplifies financial transactions and enhances trust with partners.


Registered Agent

Acting as your registered agent, our company will ensure timely and accurate completion of all necessary legal procedures, relieving you of bureaucratic burdens.



Accurate reporting is the cornerstone of avoiding issues with tax authorities. We will offer you optimal schemes for maintaining accounting records and ensuring compliance with British standards.



We are fully prepared to assist you at every step of the company registration service in the United Kingdom. Our team of experts will handle all the necessary documentation, aid you in selecting an appropriate name, and address any queries you may have. Establish your company in the UK with us and unlock new horizons for your business.

Optimizing Taxation for Your Company

Are you searching for favorable taxation conditions for your company? The United Kingdom offers enticing advantages that can significantly alleviate your tax burden. One of the key benefits of taxation in the UK is the implementation of the territorial principle for Limited Liability Partnerships and Limited Partnerships. Under this principle, non-resident companies are only taxed on income derived from the United Kingdom, rather than their global income. This approach can substantially reduce your tax liability.

Since the commencement of the financial year on April 1, 2023, the primary corporate tax rate in the United Kingdom has been set at 25%, marking an increase from the previous rate of 19% for the financial year beginning on April 1, 2022.


Additionally, as of April 1, 2023, a corporate tax rate of 19% has been introduced for companies with profits not exceeding 50,000 British pounds sterling. This innovation is aimed at supporting small and medium-sized enterprises, creating favorable conditions for their development within the country.


Another feature of the UK tax system is a lower effective tax rate of 10% applied to income derived from the exploitation of patents. This rate applies not only to royalties from patents but also to a significant portion of the trade profit from sales of products incorporating patented inventions. In this way, the tax system in the UK cultivates a stimulating environment for innovative development and commercial activity of companies within its territory.


Choosing the United Kingdom as your business’s location can bestow numerous tax advantages. The low corporate tax rate, absence of withholding tax on dividends, and the potential utilization of reduced or zero VAT rates make it an appealing destination for businesses.


Reach out to us today to delve deeper into the intricacies of taxation in the UK and discover how our expertise can assist you in optimizing your tax liabilities. We are fully equipped to share our knowledge and aid you in achieving financial prosperity for your business.

Company Reporting in the UK

In the course of conducting business in the UK, it is imperative not to overlook a crucial aspect of management – timely and accurate reporting. With Lawtter Solutions, this process ceases to be a burden, transforming into your competitive advantage on the path to success.

Annual Accounts

Submitting the annual financial report to Companies House is not merely a legislative requirement; it’s an opportunity to exhibit the transparency and reliability of your company. Our team of professionals will assist you in adhering to all regulations, including the varying reporting requirements for companies with an annual turnover of more or less than £5.6 million, as well as preparing Dormant Accounts for inactive companies.


Compliance with Deadlines

The 12-month financial period necessitates precise organization of processes. Lawtter Solutions guarantees that your reporting will be submitted within 9 months following the end of the reporting period, thereby avoiding significant penalties for delays.


Tax Return

Timely submission of tax returns within 12 months after the end of the reporting period is another step towards maintaining a favorable business image for your company. We assist you not only in adhering to deadlines but also in optimizing tax liabilities.


Professionalism and Competency

Our team of experts at Lawtter Solutions has profound knowledge of British legislation and the tax domain, enabling us to provide you with optimal solutions for managing reporting.


Technological Efficiency

Utilizing modern software solutions, we ensure a high level of automation and security for your financial data, making the reporting process highly convenient and transparent for


Partnership with Lawtter Solutions

More than just a service, a reliable partnership with Lawtter Solutions will enable you to focus on the strategic development of your business in the UK, entrusting us with your reporting concerns.



Provide your company with impeccable compliance with the UK’s reporting requirements through Lawtter Solutions. Every decision on the road to success is crucial, and the right choice in the realm of financial reporting is one of the keys to your prosperity in the British business arena.

Registration companies

The Procedure of Company Registration in England

Selecting the Legal Structure for Your Company


The initial and crucial step is to determine the appropriate legal structure for your company. In the United Kingdom, the two most prevalent options are the Limited Company (Ltd) and the Limited Liability Partnership (LLP). Among entrepreneurs, the Ltd form is particularly favored and widely adopted.


When establishing your company, carefully consider the advantages and requirements of each legal structure. This decision will significantly impact the governance, liability, and operational aspects of your business. By thoroughly assessing the specific needs and objectives of your venture, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your long-term goals.


Our team of experts is ready to provide you with professional guidance, ensuring that you choose the optimal legal form that maximizes the potential for success and minimizes potential risks. Trust us to assist you in navigating through the complexities of company formation and to help you embark on your entrepreneurial journey with confidence.


Document Compilation

In order to register a company in the UK, it is essential to gather a specific set of documents.

If you hold the roles of director, shareholder, or beneficial owner, you will need to provide the following information:

  • Identity Document: Valid proof of identity can be established by submitting a copy of a foreign passport or national passport.
  • Document Confirming Place of Residence: Apart from a passport, national passport, or driver’s license, you will be required to provide a document verifying your place of residence. Accepted forms of proof include a utility bill issued within the last three months (excluding mobile phone bills) or a recent bank statement.

Company Registration in the UK


Upon completion of document preparation, you can proceed with the registration of your company in the UK. Our team will assist you in the application process with Companies House, the governing body responsible for company registration in the UK, ensuring smooth and error-free registration. Additionally, Lawtter Solutions offers the convenience of online company registration by filling out the appropriate form. The registration fee will vary depending on the chosen company type.

Bank Account Opening


Following the successful registration of your English company, it becomes necessary to open a bank account in the UK. To accomplish this, you will be required to provide a set of documents, including confirmation of company registration, statutory documents, and passports of directors and shareholders. Lawtter Solutions will collaborate with you to identify a suitable bank that aligns with your specific needs and requirements, facilitating the opening of a corporate account.

Compliance with Legal Obligations


Once your company is duly registered and a bank account is established, it is crucial to adhere to the legal requirements for conducting business in the UK. This encompasses maintaining accurate financial records, fulfilling tax obligations, and complying with regulations pertinent to your industry.


Embarking on your journey to establish a company in the UK marks the initial stride towards a thriving business. With transparent legal regulations and the support of Lawtter Solutions, the process of starting a business in England can be remarkably streamlined and efficient.


Trust our expertise to guide you through every stage, ensuring compliance with legal formalities and setting you on a path to success in the dynamic UK business landscape.

Question — answer


To register a company in England online, you can utilize the official website of Companies House, the national register of companies in the UK. The registration process involves filling out the necessary documents, including a memorandum and articles of association. Additionally, you will need to provide information about the directors, shareholders, and the company’s address. A registration fee must be paid to complete the process. Once the company is registered, you will receive official confirmation documents.
The UK offers various forms of business, such as Limited Companies, Sole Trader, and Partnership, among others. The ideal business structure should be selected based on your specific requirements, goals, and legal framework. Each form has its own advantages and disadvantages concerning liability, taxation, and administrative obligations. It is advisable to seek advice from a lawyer or accountant to determine the most suitable business structure for your needs.
The expenses associated with registering a company in England depend on the chosen registration method and the services you opt for. The starting cost for opening a company is 1100 EUR. The total expenses may also include fees for accountants or lawyers if you decide to engage their services.
The duration required to register a company in the UK may vary depending on the selected registration method and the current workload of the registration authorities. When registering online through Companies House, the process typically takes several hours to a few days. Generally, company registration is a relatively swift process, especially if all the required documents and information are provided accurately. However, occasionally, additional time may be necessary for the registration authority to review and process the documents.
The benefits of company registration in the United Kingdom include limited liability protection, enhanced credibility, access to funding, tax advantages, brand protection, and perpetual existence.
A Private Limited Company can be registered with just one shareholder in the United Kingdom, although multiple shareholders are common.

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