Company registration in Cyprus

Company registration in Cyprus presents an exceptional choice for entrepreneurs desiring global recognition and conducive business circumstances. Renowned for its favorable tax environment, robust economy, and superior legal safeguards, Cyprus stands out as an attractive destination. At Lawtter Solutions, you simply need to get in touch with our legal team to begin the process of company registration. Our specialty lies in providing legal assistance and company registration services, a field in which we’ve excelled for over eight years.

Order a service

2 480 EUR*

Cost of service

7-20 days

Term of registration in the registry


Income tax

No personal visit

Company registration type


One of the standout benefits of Cypru's business registration is its tax system.

Furthermore, as a member of the European Union, Cyprus provides unrestricted access to the expansive European single market. Engaging Lawtter Solutions for your company setup in Cyprus will equip entrepreneurs with reliable legal protection, economic stability, and an open door to international markets.


The advantages of establishing a corporation in Cyprus could encompass:

An entrepreneur who chooses Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to register their business benefits from simpler reporting and taxation.


Tax Incentives

Cyprus, renowned for its appealing tax infrastructure, offers low-income tax (at 12.5%), exemption from tax on dividends and interest, coupled with potential tax reliefs for foreign investors.

Double Taxation Treaties

Cyprus boasts an extensive network of double tax treaties with multiple nations, facilitating the prevention of double taxation and decreasing tax liabilities for Cyprus-incorporated firms.

Efficient Registration Process

Registering a company in Cyprus is a streamlined and swift procedure. A business can be incorporated within several days, with no prerequisite for minimum authorized capital.

Conducive Business Environment

Cyprus provides an advantageous business landscape featuring well-established infrastructure, a stable legal system, high financial stability, and accessibility to international markets.

Strategic Geographic Location

Ideally positioned at the crossroads of Europe, Africa, and Asia, Cyprus serves as an optimal hub for business expansion into various markets.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Cypriot law ensures a high degree of confidentiality and anonymity for beneficial company owners, a significant factor for personal data protection and asset management.

Management Flexibility

A company registered in Cyprus can be directed from overseas without necessitating a local director or shareholder’s presence.

Potential for Financial Assistance

Cyprus offers a range of financial support schemes, including grants, soft loans, and tax incentives for startups and innovative businesses.

Company types

We provide an extensive array of services, encompassing the structuring of various company types, tailored to cater to your unique requirements and facilitate your journey toward financial prosperity.

  • Sole Proprietorship
    Looking to kickstart your solo venture in Cyprus? A sole proprietorship is your ideal route. We will expedite the registration process, ensuring efficiency while leaving you with personal accountability and complete autonomy over your business.
  • Private Company Limited by Shares
    Seeking enhanced protection and open to collaboration with partners? Our Private Company Limited by Shares is the perfect fit for you. We will facilitate the establishment of a company offering management flexibility and shielding you from personal liability.
  • Public Limited Company
    Aiming to carve out a dominant market position and draw investment from a broad base? Registering a public limited company in Cyprus will aid in realizing these objectives. We will equip you with the necessary expertise and backing required to successfully operate your business at a public level.
  • General Partnership with Limited Liability
    We can assist in forming a partnership wherein one partner carries limited liability. This model provides flexibility and protection while ensuring efficient business operations.
  • Limited Partnership with Liability Limited for All Partners
    Should you prefer shared responsibility and control amongst all partners, a limited partnership where all partners bear limited liability is the optimal choice. We will gladly assist in establishing a partnership that aligns with your needs and aspirations.



Regardless of your choice of company type, Lawtter Solutions is committed to providing exceptional legal support and personalized client care. Our team of specialists, endowed with comprehensive knowledge of Cypriot law and vast experience, stands ready to guarantee your business ventures thrive.

Prerequisites for Company Registration in Cyprus


Cyprus presents a conducive business environment, adaptable corporate framework, and transparent regulatory system. The registration of a Limited Liability Company (Ltd) in Cyprus is governed by the following criteria:


  • Director
    There are no residency prerequisites; a national of any country (excluding those from sanctioned territories or individuals) can assume the director’s role. The board must include at least one director, with a minimum age requirement of 18. For tax residency purposes, the company Director should be domiciled in Cyprus.
  • Shareholder
    Similarly, there are no residency stipulations for shareholders; any individual from any country (excluding those on sanctions lists) can become a shareholder. The company must have a minimum of one shareholder, who must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Address
    Your company is required to have a registered address in Cyprus.
  • Name
    The chosen name for your company must be unique. The abbreviations used in the name will vary based on the type of company: ‘Limited’ or ‘LTD’ for private limited liability companies, ‘LP’ for limited partnerships, whereas general partnerships do not utilize any abbreviation.
  • Authorized Capital
    There is no mandatory requirement for the payment of authorized capital. The nominal value of one share can start from 1 Euro.
  • Local Account
    The opening of an account with a local bank is not a prerequisite, providing additional flexibility in funds management.
  • Registration Agent and Company Secretary
    While a registered agent isn’t required in Cyprus, the appointment of a local company secretary is a legal necessity.
  • Reporting
    All companies are obligated to prepare and submit their reports within the prescribed timeframe.

Electing to register a company in Cyprus signifies a choice of liberty and adaptability for your business. Embark on establishing your global footprint today with our expert guidance.

Tax Regime in Cyprus


Why confine your business within borders when you can operate and prosper on a global scale? Cyprus presents an array of remarkable opportunities for international expansion, reducing your tax obligations, and facilitating a transparent and convenient business process.


Cyprus operates on a worldwide taxation principle, making it highly attractive to resident businesses of all sizes. Your profits are taxed on a global income basis, irrespective of service location, business counterparts, or company structure.


The country’s modest income tax rate, standing at a mere 12.5%, is worth highlighting. This is among the lowest in Europe, enabling you to retain a substantial portion of your profits.

Intend to distribute your success amongst shareholders? Excellent! Cyprus imposes no withholding tax on dividend payouts. More dividends for your investors translates to more investments for your business.


As for Value Added Tax (VAT)? In Cyprus, it’s set at 19%, but for specific categories of goods and services, discounted rates of 9%, 5%, or even zero are applicable. This unfolds vast opportunities for diverse business sectors.


Don’t miss your chance to broaden your global reach and streamline your tax obligations. Cyprus is the perfect environment for your business to flourish and thrive.

Financial Reporting in Cyprus


The cornerstone of a successful business is responsibility. Operating a company in Cyprus brings with it certain obligations that significantly impact your success and the robustness of your enterprise. Rest assured, we’re here to assist you through this process.


Cyprus law mandates that every company, without exception, submit audited accounts. The annual reporting period spans 12 months and aligns with the calendar year, commencing on January 1 and concluding on December 31. However, in your company’s inaugural year, the reporting period may be extended to 18 months. If your company is registered in July, the reporting period will span from the registration date to December 31 of the subsequent year.


Reporting is not solely limited to tax authorities but also extends to the Registry. To evade penalties, every company must submit the HE32 form to the Registry.

Income tax should be remitted by July 31 of the year following the reporting year. It’s crucial to bear in mind that in order to maintain your business in good standing, all companies are required to pay a Levy fee of 350 euros by June 30 each year.


Please note that if the Levy fee is remitted post-June 30, penalties will be imposed. The later the payment, the higher the penalty.

Your business warrants your attention and diligence. Don’t allow fines and penalties to impede your growth and prosperity. A responsible approach cultivates a culture of reliability and stability that reaps rewards in the form of a thriving and prosperous business. Remember your responsibilities, and your business will reciprocate with gratitude.

Registration companies

The Procedure for Company Registration in Cyprus

We kindly request you to provide the following documents for the registration process:

  • Identification Document: A copy of your international passport or national ID card will suffice.
  • Proof of Address: This can be a utility bill no older than three months or a recent bank statement.

Your business is our objective. Allow us to incorporate Cyprus company online and secure your listing in the Business Register seamlessly.

Question — answer


Registering a company in Cyprus involves a series of steps. You’ll begin by deciding the type of company you wish to set up and selecting a unique name. Submit the name for approval to the Cyprus Companies Registrar. Once approved, you must prepare the necessary documents, including the Memorandum and Articles of Association. These documents will outline the nature of your business and its rules of governance. Upon preparation of these documents, they will need to be submitted to the Cyprus Companies Registrar along with the necessary fees. After submission, the Registrar will review your documents and, if everything is in order, will register your company. Here at Lawtter Solutions, we provide professional guidance through this process to ensure a seamless experience.
The cost of registering a company in Cyprus can vary depending on the type of company and the services you choose and starts from 2490 EUR. There are basic government fees which include the name approval and the registration of the company itself. However, please note that additional costs may arise, such as for notary services, legal advice, and additional administrative fees. You should get in touch with us directly at Lawtter Solutions for a precise quote tailored to your specific needs.
In order to register a company in Cyprus, you’ll need to provide several pieces of information. This includes the proposed company name, the nature of the business activities, the identities of the company directors and shareholders, the registered address in Cyprus, and the company’s capital structure. Please be aware that all directors’ and shareholders’ identities will need to be verified with appropriate identification documents.
The timeframe for registering a company in Cyprus can be quite swift, especially if all the required documents are properly prepared and submitted. Typically, once we have received all the necessary information, the incorporation process takes around 7-20 working days. Please note, however, that timescales can fluctuate depending on the workload of the Cyprus Companies Registrar. Rest assured that at Lawtter Solutions, we always strive to expedite this process on behalf of our clients.
Yes, you can be the only director and shareholder of a Cyprus company even if you do not reside in Cyprus. There are no legal restrictions regarding residency for these positions. However, please note that if the company needs to prove its management and control are in Cyprus for tax purposes, then it would be beneficial to have a director who is a resident of Cyprus. Our team at Lawtter Solutions can provide advice on this and other issues to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

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