Company registration in Latvia

Registering a company in Latvia necessitates meticulous planning and strict adherence to all pertinent legal provisions. The initial phase of this process entails identifying the business type, selecting a unique company name, drafting and signing the articles of incorporation, and finally, registering the company with the Latvian Registration Chamber. It is of paramount importance to guarantee full compliance with all tax laws and local labor regulations.

1 790 EUR*

Cost of service

5 days

Term of registration in the registry

0, 20%

Income tax

No personal visit

Company registration type


In navigating this intricate process, your business can greatly benefit from engaging professional legal and consulting services.

Lawtter Solutions, a comprehensive legal services provider, specializes in facilitating business registration online in Latvia. We streamline the entire process, from the drafting of incorporation documents to providing support during registration with government agencies. Our seasoned professionals will guide you in circumventing potential obstacles, and their dedication and expertise will lay a solid foundation for your new company’s seamless and productive commencement in Latvia. Indeed, registering your company in Latvia is your first stride towards a prosperous business venture.


Here are several compelling reasons to consider setting up a business in Latvia:


Economic Stability

As a member of the European Union with the euro as its national currency, Latvia ensures a solid economic footing and mitigates currency-related risks

Favorable Business Climate

Latvia consistently scores high on the Ease of Doing Business Index. The government proactively welcomes foreign investment, providing a host of incentives and assistance.

Strategic Geographic Location

Latvia is optimally positioned to serve as a gateway to the European Union, the Commonwealth of Independent States, and the Scandinavian markets.

Highly Educated Workforce

The country boasts an educated labor force, with the majority of individuals being multilingual.

Competitive Corporate Tax Rates

Offering one of the lowest corporate tax system in the EU, Latvia is an enticing prospect for foreign investors.

Robust Infrastructure

The nation is equipped with excellent transport and IT infrastructure that aids efficient business operations.

Special Economic Zones

Latvia extends special provisions for businesses operating within designated economic zones, including substantial tax advantages.

Transparent Legal System

The corporate legal system in Latvia, grounded on European Union standards, guarantees transparency and protection for businesses.

Quick Business Registration

The process of business registration in Latvia is swift, enabling you to kickstart your operations promptly.

Residence Permit Opportunities

Foreign investors have the opportunity to obtain a Latvian residence permit by investing in local enterprises.

Choosing the Right Company Type

Let Lawtter Solutions guide your journey to success in the world of business. Our seasoned experts will help you select the most appropriate company type to register in Latvia, providing you with the platform to bring your business ideas to life.

Individual Entrepreneur (IK)

Transform into a powerhouse single-player in the business landscape! If you’re confident in your capabilities and seek full ownership over your venture, the IK is your perfect match. All profits, decisions, and responsibilities rest solely on your shoulders.


Private Limited Liability Company (SIA)

Safeguard your personal assets with the formidable protection of limited liability. Say goodbye to personal bankruptcy due to business mishaps. An SIA offers an invaluable opportunity to shield your personal assets from business risks.


Public Limited Liability Company (AS)

Elevate your venture to unprecedented heights. An AS allows you to invite investment by listing on the stock exchange, making it an excellent choice for ambitious projects with high growth potential.


Single-Partner Limited Partnership (KS)

Blend the strengths of teamwork with personal risk mitigation. In a KS, one partner can limit their liability while the others assume a larger proportion of the risk. This model is ideal for teams where each member brings unique value to the table.


Partnership with Limited Liability for All Partners (PS)

Embark on a collective entrepreneurial journey, sharing both responsibility and risk. A PS is an optimal choice for entrepreneurial groups eager to reach the zenith of success together.



Take the first step on your road to success with Lawtter Solutions. We offer far more than just company registration in Latvia, we provide a comprehensive suite of services designed to support your business. Our team of experts stands ready to help you fulfill your ambitions. With our assistance, establishing a business in Latvia will become a smoother process, allowing you to concentrate fully on your business operations.

Prerequisites for Registering a Company in Latvia

Expand your business horizons with Lawtter Solutions! We provide an efficient and cost-effective means to register business in Latvia. In partnership with us, you can establish your business without the hassle of navigating complex local laws and regulations.


Embrace the borderless world reflected in our company registration process! Regardless of your nationality, the opportunity to become a director is unrestricted. The reins of leadership are in your hands from the age of 18.



Celebrate the liberty of choice with our services. Any individual can become a shareholder. Starting from the age of 18, you can already make a significant contribution to the Latvian economy.



Establish your commercial presence in the heart of Europe. Your company will be officially registered in Latvia, granting you access to the lucrative European market.



Your unique moniker will be enshrined in the name of your company, reflecting your business type. Imprint your personal signature in Latvia’s history!



The liberal economic model enables you to launch your business without investing hefty sums. If the registered capital does not exceed 2,800 euros, there’s no requirement to pay it!


Local Account

Enjoy the freedom to choose a banking institution for your company. There is no mandate to open an account with a local bank.


Registration Agent

The company formation process is simplified as there’s no need to have a registered agent in Latvia.



Lawtter Solutions will assist you in preparing and submitting your reports in compliance with local regulations. You can focus on your business operations while we handle the administrative details!



Kick open the doors to the world of business with Lawtter Solutions. We’re here to support you on your journey to success!

Tax System in Latvia

Elevate your business with Lawtter Solutions. Latvia is not just a gateway to Europe; it also offers an appealing taxation system. In collaboration with us, you can fully capitalize on Latvian legislation.

Global Taxation

Resident companies in Latvia are taxed on their worldwide income, regardless of the service location or mode. This allows your business to expand globally while being taxed in Latvia.


Income Tax

Say goodbye to concerns about high-income taxes. In Latvia, if you opt not to distribute dividends, the income tax is zero. This allows you to reinvest all your earnings back into the business, fostering faster growth.



Should you choose to distribute dividends, the tax rate is a mere 20%. Crucially, Latvia imposes no withholding tax on dividend distributions, which means more income for you and your shareholders.



The standard VAT rate in Latvia is 21%. However, a reduced rate of 12% or even 5% applies to certain categories of goods and services, presenting a wealth of opportunities for various business sectors.



With Lawtter Solutions, you gain not only a swift and straightforward method to register a company in Latvia but also comprehensive support in tax-related matters. We are here to assist you at every step, allowing you to concentrate on the essential task – growing your business. Don’t allow valuable time to slip away; schedule a consultation with our legal experts today.

Financial Reporting in Latvia

Lawtter Solutions is your dependable partner for financial reporting in Latvia! We understand that reporting can be complex and time-consuming; hence we offer comprehensive assistance and expert guidance at every stage.

Reporting Period and Deadlines

According to Latvian legislation, a company’s reporting period spans 12 months and aligns with the calendar year. We will aid you in accurately determining your reporting period and keeping track of all crucial deadlines.


Online Reporting

Leveraging modern technology, we streamline the process of filing reports. Our team can assist you in submitting your documents via EDS, making the process more efficient and time-saving.


Changing the Accounting Year Period

Should you need to alter the accounting year period, our experts can facilitate the necessary changes to your company’s articles of association and define the required period.


Significance of VAT Accounting

We highlight the importance of VAT accounting. If your gross income reaches or nears the €40,000 mark, and if you intend to transact with individuals, we will ensure that your company is registered on time.


Timely Filing of the VAT Report

We won’t just help you prepare and submit your VAT report by the 20th of each month, but we’ll also ensure that all your invoices are systematically recorded. This enables you to accurately represent your activity in your annual report.



With Lawtter Solutions, you can put aside worries about complications and reporting deadlines. We’ll handle all the required tasks so you can focus on your core business operations. Entrust us with your reporting needs, and we’ll ensure the process is as straightforward and secure as possible for you.

Registration companies

The Process of Company Registration in Latvia

Lawtter Solutions is your partner for a smooth and efficient company registration process in Latvia. We offer a streamlined, hassle-free approach that absolves you from complications and concerns. Here are the steps to a successful registration with us:

With Lawtter Solutions, company registration evolves into a straightforward and secure procedure. Trust us to render the incorporation process as comfortable and efficient as possible for you. Owing to its advantageous business environment, accessible infrastructure, and dependable legal system, Latvia has become a favored business location for both residents and non-residents. Company incorporation in Latvia for non-residents has never been easier. However, successful completion of this process necessitates careful consideration of all legal and financial aspects, as well as professional assistance well-versed in Latvian laws and requirements.


At Lawtter Solutions, we value your time and offer a straightforward list of required documents for company registration in Latvia:

  • Identity Document: Provide a copy of your foreign or national passport to verify your identity. Rest assured, we guarantee the confidentiality and security of your personal information.
  • Proof of Address: Submit a utility bill (excluding cell phone bills) no older than three months or a bank statement to confirm your address. We uphold your privacy and ensure your personal information remains secure.


Trust in Lawtter Solutions to make your company registration process as seamless and efficient as possible. We promise professional assistance at all stages, prompt processing of documents, and strict adherence to legal requirements.

Question — answer


The process of registering a company can be complex, and it may be beneficial to seek help from a lawyer or a company formation service. Lawtter Solutions is well-positioned to assist with this process and ensure that your company formation in Latvia proceeds smoothly.
When you’re forming a company in Latvia, you will be required to provide a range of information that serves to establish the legal identity of your business. Firstly, you will need to provide a proposed company name. This name should be unique and not already in use by another entity in Latvia. In addition to this, a business address in Latvia is required. This will serve as the official address for your company. You will also need to provide a detailed description of the intended business activities. This helps to identify the nature of your business to the regulatory authorities. Furthermore, you will need to provide details of shareholders and board members. This includes their names, addresses, and copies of passports for identification purposes. The information on your share capital is another important piece of information you must provide. This should include the number of shares, the nominal value of the shares, and the total amount of the share capital. Lastly, you will need to provide the Articles of Association for your company, which outline the rules under which your company will run.
The timeline to register a company in Latvia can vary depending on several factors, including the completeness and correctness of the provided documentation. However, typically it takes about 5 days for the registration process to be completed.

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