Company registration in St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Have you ever felt captivated by the allure of the Caribbean Sea, seeing it not only as a quintessential vacation spot but also as a fertile ground for business opportunities? If so, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines company registry offers more than just an exotic business address. It provides a gateway to a unique business ecosystem, characterized by perpetually clear skies and an exceptionally favorable tax environment.

Order a service

1 590 EUR*

Cost of service

1-3 days

Term of registration in the registry

0%, 30%

Income tax

No personal visit

Company registration type


So, how can you make this move without becoming entangled in bureaucratic red tape?

That’s where Lawtter Solutions steps in — your reliable guide in the realm of offshore business. We do more than simply walk you through each phase of the company registration process in this nation. We execute it as though crafting a work of art. Every single detail matters, from selecting the appropriate legal structure to opening a bank account. The Commonwealth of the Caribbean is frequently the go-to choice for offshore registration, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines is no outlier in this context.


Don’t miss this golden opportunity to elevate your business aspirations to a locale where coconut palms coexist with the banners of thriving enterprises. With Lawtter Solutions, starting a business in Saint Vincent becomes more than a procedural task, it becomes your passport to untapped vistas and boundless possibilities.



Why is registration advantageous?

Choosing to incorporate your business in St. Vincent and the Grenadines simplifies both reporting and taxation, offering distinct advantages for the modern entrepreneur.


A Zero Tax Rate on International Income

Sounds like a symphony for your financial ledgers, doesn’t it?

Boundless Horizons

The absence of foreign exchange controls broadens the spectrum of opportunities for your enterprise. St. Vincent is clearly on the rise.

Privacy Elevated to an Art Form

There’s no requirement to disclose the names of founders or directors, showcasing St. Vincent’s nuanced understanding of privacy.

Island Feng Shui

The island’s stable political and economic landscape fosters an optimal environment for business growth.

An Enviable Reputation

St. Vincent’s stellar standing within the global financial community is akin to receiving a glowing review in your corporate history.

Efficient Time Management

The registration process is swift and straightforward. While your competitors are still navigating the guidelines, you’re already well on your way to claiming your bounty.

A Canvas of Opportunities

With its diverse array of financial instruments and structures, St. Vincent offers a blank canvas on which to paint your business masterpiece.

Ease of Caribbean Business

The minimal paperwork and online filing options offer a taste of tropical ease even in the business realm.

A Sanctuary for Data

Modern data protection laws make St. Vincent an ideal locale for fintech ventures and cryptocurrency projects.

Business Company

Ideal for those launching international ventures, a Business Company provides optimal conditions for global operations. With low taxation and minimal reporting obligations, this structure is well-suited for rapidly expanding enterprises. Don’t miss the opportunity to maximize your profits while keeping overhead low.


Limited Liability Company (LLC)

Offering a shield against financial risk, an LLC combines managerial flexibility with robust asset protection. The simplified ownership structure and diminished legal risks make this entity especially appealing for small to medium-sized businesses.


Segregated Accounts Company

This entity is tailor-made for complex financial transactions. If your business involves managing diverse assets or overseeing multiple projects concurrently, a Segregated Accounts Company offers individualized balance sheets, facilitating efficient resource allocation and adaptability to market fluctuations. The Registrar of International Business Companies in Saint Vincent plays a crucial role in the incorporation and regulatory oversight of offshore enterprises.


Experience unparalleled flexibility in your choice of leadership. All that’s required is one director over the age of 18, putting you on the fast track to realizing your corporate ambitions. Concerned about residency requirements? Lawtter Solutions handles every detail to ensure full legal compliance.



Start your enterprise with minimal constraints. The sole requirement is a shareholder above the age of 18 — nationality is inconsequential, broadening your global reach.



We ensure your company is legitimately domiciled in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, reinforcing its authenticity and recognition.



Select a unique name for your company, and Lawtter Solutions will secure it for you. Don’t let the chance to establish your new Ltd., Corp., or Inc. slip through your fingers.


Statutory Capital

Say goodbye to cumbersome procedures and large upfront investments. With no obligatory share capital, embarking on your business journey has never been easier.


Local Account

Avoid unnecessary complexities, opening a local bank account is optional, lending further flexibility to your business setup.


Registered Agent

A registered agent is legally mandated, and Lawtter Solutions fulfills this role, guaranteeing full compliance with all legal requisites.



While companies in St. Vincent and the Grenadines are subject to reporting requirements, Lawtter Solutions simplifies this process for you, making it as effortless as possible.

Taxation in St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Tax Environment in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines with Lawtter Solutions — double your advantages.

Global Principle

Imagine a scenario where your resident company is taxed solely on its worldwide income. That ideal becomes your new reality in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.


LLC Exemption

Intrigued? How about a tax hiatus lasting a quarter of a century? You read that correctly: LLCs enjoy a full exemption from all taxes and fees for 25 years.


Taxation on Profits, VAT, and Dividends

Though tax rates like 28% on profits, 16% VAT, and 22% on dividends might appear steep, Lawtter Solutions’ strategic tax planning will help you optimize these costs to your advantage.


Strategic Planning

We tailor the most effective tax strategy to suit the specific needs of your business.

Reporting in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

LLC Convenience

Should your company be registered as an LLC and not conduct business within Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, you are wholly exempt from tax reporting obligations. You can concentrate on international markets while Lawtter Solutions manages all other aspects.


Annual Financial Statements for BC Companies

If you opt for a BC (Business Company) structure, rest assured. Your fiscal year will not exceed 12 months, and your sole obligation is to file tax returns by March 31 of the subsequent year. Our team will streamline this process for you.


Expert Support

The world of financial reporting is fraught with subtleties and intricacies. With Lawtter Solutions, you gain access to skilled professionals who ensure your company remains in full compliance with legal standards.


Data Security and Confidentiality

Your financial records are in secure hands. We are committed to upholding the highest standards of data protection and privacy.

Registration companies

Company Registration Procedure in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

What Do You Need to Get Started?


If you wish to become a director, shareholder, and beneficial owner as an individual, you will require only three documents:

  • Two forms of identification (copies of either your international and national passports or driver’s license).
  • Proof of residential address, such as a utility bill not exceeding three months in age.


An independent consultant from Lawtter Solutions will assist you in understanding all the nuances and in preparing the necessary documents for company registration.

Ready-made companies

Buy Grenada Company

Purchasing a ready-made company through Lawtter Solutions isn’t merely acquiring a business structure. It’s an investment in your security and privacy. We ensure that all our offshore companies have been rigorously vetted and fully meet international standards. Our offerings significantly expedite the startup phase, allowing you to bypass a protracted registration process and commence your business operations almost immediately. Our team of experts will swiftly formalize your company with meticulous attention to detail.


The financial benefits are an unarguable asset. Establishing an offshore presence in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines provides you with several tax advantages, enabling you to focus on business expansion rather than tax liabilities. Each company we provide comes with a comprehensive set of statutory and legal documents, assuring its complete legal integrity. This negates potential risks and allows you to concentrate on strategic management instead of navigating bureaucratic intricacies.


Moreover, we offer expert consultation to help identify the company that best aligns with your business goals and requirements. Ownership of Grenada offshore company not only broadens your horizons but also grants you access to global markets, furnishing opportunities for scalable, international growth.

In an era where time and privacy hold paramount significance, Lawtter Solutions provides an optimal pathway for secure and expedited entry into the international business landscape. Whether you’re purchasing a ready-made offshore company or establishing a new venture in St. Vincent and the Grenadines through our services, you’ll gain substantial tax benefits along with expert advice tailored to align with your business objectives. This streamlined approach not only accelerates the launch and scaling of your business but also unlocks access to global markets. With Lawtter Solutions, you’re a mere step away from actualizing your loftiest ambitions.


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