Company registration in Romania

Romania embodies indomitable ambition, offers vast possibilities, and exudes magnificence in its eagerness to foster growth. Lawtter Solutions cordially invites you to partake in this exhilarating dynamism by registering your company in Romania. We specialize in creating streamlined, transparent, and innovative avenues for your business to flourish in this diverse nation.

1 750 EUR*

Cost of service

3-5 days

Term of registration in the registry

1%, 16%

Income tax

No personal visit

Company registration type


By registering your company in Romania with Lawtter Solutions, you gain the upper hand, ensuring that you stay one step ahead.

It provides you with the confidence and peace of mind that comes from full compliance with all legal requirements. Recognizing the distinctiveness of each business, we deliver tailored solutions that seamlessly align with your objectives and strategies.


With Lawtter Solutions as your trusted partner, your aspirations for business success in Romania will only be the beginning of a transformative journey. We go beyond mere service provision; we offer unwavering support, expert guidance, and invaluable experience, enabling you to navigate a new market with confidence. All our efforts are centered around catering to your unique requirements. Your pathway to triumph in Romania commences with Lawtter Solutions.



Advantages of registering a company in Romania


Are you considering establishing a business in Romania, but unsure of the advantages it offers? Below, we present the key benefits that make Romania an excellent choice for your enterprise. Entrepreneurs seeking new opportunities can set up a company in Romania to tap into its vibrant market and advantageous business environment.

Should you require any further assistance or information regarding conducting business in Romania, please do not hesitate to reach out. To expand your business internationally, it’s wise to register a company in Romania. When establishing a company in Romania, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the local laws to ensure compliance and smooth operations.


Favorable Taxation

Romania boasts one of the lowest tax rates in Europe, with only 16% on profits and 5% on dividends. Furthermore, certain regions in the country provide incentives and subsidies for investors.

Skilled Workforce

The Romanian labor market presents a wide array of specialists across diverse fields, ranging from IT to agriculture. Most Romanians are proficient in English and other European languages, facilitating seamless communication and collaboration.

Stable Economy and Political Environment

Romania’s membership in the European Union since 2007 and NATO since 2004 ensures security and integration into the European market. The country demonstrates stable GDP growth, low inflation rates, and moderate levels of debt.

Cultural and Natural Treasures

Romania boasts a unique heritage that combines elements from Latin, Slavic, Turkic, and Hungarian cultures. It is home to enchanting castles, monasteries, churches, museums, and festivals that attract millions of tourists annually. Additionally, Romania’s diverse natural landscape ranges from the majestic Carpathian Mountains to the picturesque Black Sea, and from the captivating Danube Delta to the enchanting Transylvanian forests.

Innovation and Development

Romania stands out as one of Europe’s leaders in patents and inventions in the fields of science and technology. Renowned global companies such as Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, Siemens, and others operate within the country. Romania actively invests in infrastructure development, particularly in transportation, energy, and communications.

Immigration and Citizenship Advantages

Romania offers favorable conditions for obtaining residence permits or citizenship for investors, entrepreneurs, professionals, and their families. The application process is relatively simple and efficient, with reasonable requirements.

Foreigner and Business-Friendly Environment

Romanians are known for their warm hospitality, friendliness, and openness to new ideas and people. Discrimination, corruption, and excessive bureaucracy are not prevalent, ensuring a conducive environment for business. Local authorities, partners, and customers provide support and cooperation.

Geographical Location and Logistics

Situated in the heart of Europe, Romania serves as a strategic hub for vital transportation routes. The country boasts four international airports, seven seaports, an extensive railway and road network, and river transportation along the Danube. These factors guarantee convenient access to European and Asian markets, alongside low logistics costs.

Quality of Life and Social Guarantees

Romania offers a high standard of living at an affordable price point. The country provides essential services and amenities, including healthcare, education, culture, sports, and entertainment. Social protection measures such as pensions, allowances, insurance, and other benefits are available to residents.

Business Expansion and Partnership Opportunities

Romania forms part of the single European market, encompassing over 500 million consumers. By establishing a company in Romania, you unlock access to this immense potential, as well as other regions like the Balkans, Central Asia, and the Middle East. Collaboration with local and international companies, participation in international projects, and support programs are all viable avenues for growth.

Company types

With our assistance, the process of registering a company in Romania becomes a step-by-step and comprehensible endeavor. We will guide you in determining the optimal company type and provide advice on any inquiries you may have. Let us now delve into the advantages of each type:

Sole Proprietorship (PFA)

This option offers the easiest and most cost-effective means of initiating a business in Romania. Operating under your own name or a chosen brand, you can utilize a simplified tax scheme without the requirement of minimum authorized capital. However, it is essential to note that you assume full responsibility for your activities and associated risks. Sole proprietorship registration suits small projects or freelancers who do not anticipate expansion or the employment of staff.


Private Limited Liability Company (SRL)

Among the most popular and flexible forms of company registration in Romania, this structure enables you to establish a company with one or more founders who bear liability limited to their contributions. Additionally, you retain the flexibility to modify the company’s structure, objectives, and activities in the future. LLC incorporation suits the majority of medium and small businesses seeking legal protection and growth opportunities.


Public Limited Company (SA)

Designed for large and ambitious enterprises aspiring to attract investments and go public, this type of incorporation involves establishing a company with two or more founders, each with liability limited to their contributions. Furthermore, a board of directors and a general meeting of shareholders are mandatory, accompanied by adherence to strict corporate governance regulations. Public Limited Company incorporation suits those desiring to create a transparent, high-growth company on a large scale.


Single Partner Limited Partnership (SCS)

For individuals seeking to collaborate with others in a joint business endeavor, this type of incorporation offers an opportunity to establish a company with two or more partners. Among them, one assumes the role of the general partner, while the others become limited partners. The general partner bears full responsibility for the company’s operations, while the limited partners are liable only to the extent of their contributions. Additionally, profit and loss distribution among partners can be customized. Single Partner Limited Partnership incorporation is suitable for those aiming to combine resources and skills with others while maintaining control over their share in the company.


Partnership with Unlimited Liability of All Participants (SNC)

This registration type caters to those seeking to establish a company based on trust and equality with fellow individuals. By forming a company with two or more partners, all participants assume full responsibility for the company’s operations. A general partnership agreement is mandatory, and decisions are made through unanimous consent. Partnership with Unlimited Liability of All Participants incorporation suits individuals wishing to establish a company founded on personal relationships and solidarity.



We hope this comprehensive overview assists you in making an informed decision regarding the most suitable company registration type for your aspirations. Should you require further guidance or have additional inquiries, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Company registration requirements in Romania


In Romania, there are no residency requirements for a director, granting you the flexibility to manage your business from anywhere in the world. The minimum number of directors allowed is one, and remarkably, the age limit is merely 16, enabling almost anyone to embark on their entrepreneurial journey.



Similar to directors, there are no residency prerequisites for shareholders in Romania. As long as you are above the age of 18, you can become a shareholder of a company in Romania.



We understand the significance of having a registered address in the country where your business operates. Your company must be registered at a valid address within Romania.



Uniqueness is paramount to the success of any business. Your company name must be distinctive and aligned with the chosen legal form, whether it be SRL, SCS, or SNC.


Authorized capital

We encourage you to pursue your business aspirations, irrespective of your financial circumstances. Registering authorized capital is not mandatory for company incorporation.


Local account

The requirement for a local account within Romania is not obligatory. Once again, this simplifies the process for international entrepreneurs.


Registration Agent

According to Romanian law, a registration agent is not obligatory, streamlining the incorporation process and reducing associated costs.



The significance of accurate reporting cannot be overstated. Every company is obligated to prepare and file accounts within specified deadlines. We can assist you in efficiently organizing this process.



At Lawtter Solutions, we strive to create the most convenient and transparent conditions for your business. Romania eagerly awaits your entrepreneurial ideas, and we are fully prepared to support you in transforming them into reality.

Taxation in Romania

With our assistance, navigating taxation in Romania will become more straightforward and transparent. Let us examine the key aspects of taxation in the country:

Global Taxation

Romania adheres to the principle of global taxation, meaning that resident companies are taxed on their worldwide income. Regardless of the location of your service provision, the identity of your counterparts, or the structure of your company, taxation follows a universal approach. This simplifies tax management and allows you to focus on your core business.


Income Tax

Romania maintains a stable corporate tax rate of 16%. This low and predictable rate enables businesses to effectively plan their finances and expand their operations. Registering a company in Romania can be highly beneficial for entrepreneurs due to its favorable tax rates and access to a skilled workforce.


Withholding Tax

Minimize losses through a low withholding tax rate of 8%. This policy encourages foreign investment and streamlines the process of earning income from abroad.



The standard VAT rate in Romania stands at 19%. However, there is an option to reduce this rate to 9%, rendering Romania even more appealing to entrepreneurs.



At Lawtter Solutions, we provide guidance to help you comprehend and optimize your tax obligations. Together, we can ensure that Romania’s tax system works in favor of your business, rather than against it. Embark on your entrepreneurial journey in Romania today with Lawtter Solutions by your side.

Reporting in Romania

The impending reporting deadline can be a source of stress for any entrepreneur. However, there’s no need to worry. With Lawtter Solutions, regular reporting in Romania transforms from a burden into a routine aspect of your business operations.


In Romania, the reporting period spans 12 months and aligns with the calendar year. Reports must be submitted by March 15th of each year. This predictable and standardized timeline ensures that we can assist you in diligently adhering to it.



Is your company subject to an audit? If your company achieves a turnover of €7,300,000, employs 50 individuals, or possesses total assets of €3,650,000, the answer is yes. Rest assured, we can help you prepare for and navigate the audit process smoothly.


VAT Accounting

Every company must register for VAT accounting upon reaching a turnover of RON 445,500 or a reduced turnover of RON 34,000 within the EU. VAT reports are submitted on a monthly basis, with a deadline of the 15th day of the following month. With Lawtter Solutions, you will always remain up to date with all deadlines and requirements.



At Lawtter Solutions, we understand that fairness and transparency are vital for a thriving business. That’s why we are committed to making your reporting procedures as simple and efficient as possible. Together, we can transform the obligation of filing reports in Romania from an encumbrance into a standard procedure for your business.

Registration companies

The company registration process in Romania

Embarking on the path to success involves five simple steps:

Alongside Lawtter Solutions, the process of registering a company in Romania seamlessly transitions from complex to
effortless and worry-free. Commence your entrepreneurial journey with us today.


The following documents will be required during the registration process:

  • Identity Document: A copy of your passport or national identification card will suffice. This is necessary to
    confirm your identity and ensure compliance with legal procedures.
  • Proof of Residential Address: A separate document, distinct from your passport or driver’s license, is required. Acceptable proofs of address include utility bills dated within the last three months or a recent bank statement. Cell phone bills are not accepted. These documents are essential for verifying your current
    residential address.


With Lawtter Solutions, the process of filing for company registration in Romania becomes effortless and secure.
Embark on your journey to business success with us today.

Question — answer


Visit the official website of Lawtter Solutions or contact us directly to access the online registration services for company formation in Romania. Provide the necessary information and documentation required for the registration process. This typically includes details about the company’s name, registered office address, shareholders, directors, and the company’s purpose or activities. Lawtter Solutions will guide you through the process of preparing the required documents, such as articles of association, shareholder agreements, and any other necessary legal forms. We will ensure that these documents comply with the Romanian company law.
When forming a company in Romania, you will need to provide several key pieces of information. This includes the company’s name, which must be unique and comply with the legal requirements. You will also need to specify the legal form of the company, such as a limited liability company (SRL) or a joint-stock company (SA). Additionally, you will need to provide the company’s registered office address in Romania, along with the identification details and addresses of the shareholders and directors. It is also important to have the company’s articles of association ready, outlining its purpose, share capital, management structure, and other internal regulations. These are some of the essential pieces of information you will need to provide for the formation of a company in Romania.
The cost of opening a company in Romania is 1750 euros. It covers various expenses, such as registration fees, notary fees, legal and administrative fees, and any additional professional services you may require. It is advisable to consult with Lawtter Solutions to get a precise estimate of the costs involved in opening a company in Romania. We can provide tailored advice based on your specific requirements and guide you through the process, ensuring compliance with all legal obligations.

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