Registering a company in Portugal

Company registration in Portugal marks a significant milestone for entrepreneurs intending to materialize their ventures in this nation. Portugal presents the perfect landscape for your commercial aspirations, as it harmoniously blends the spirit of enterprise with the refreshing Atlantic gusts. Its hospitable investment environment, progressive infrastructure, and rapidly advancing market combine to offer unparalleled conditions for inaugurating a business in Portugal, effectively bringing your entrepreneurial visions into reality.


Delving into the intricacies of the legal landscape or grappling with the bureaucratic intricacies of company formation in Portugal is no longer necessary.

With Lawtter Solutions, you receive more than a service – you gain a trustworthy partner who alleviates the burden of administrative complexities. We have meticulously researched every facet of Portuguese law to facilitate a swift, secure, and economical initiation of your business.


Together, your innovative ideas and our extensive legal knowledge will surmount all barriers to success. With Lawtter Solutions, you can rest assured that your business operations in Portugal are constructed on a robust legal foundation.



Benefits of Establishing a Business in Portugal


Here are some noteworthy advantages of launching a business venture in Portugal:


"Golden Visa"

Portugal extends unique incentive programs to investors, the “Golden Visa” being one of them, thus serving as a compelling magnet for international entrepreneurs.

Gateway to Europe

Being a member of the European Union, Portugal provides unrestricted access to the European market, thereby reaching out to a consumer base of 500 million.

Technological Innovation meets Southern Charm

Portugal marries advanced technology and innovation with its inviting southern lifestyle.

The pool of Talented Professionals

Portugal boasts a vast supply of well-educated, multilingual professionals poised to contribute to your business’s success.

Embracing Sunshine and Sea

Portugal, a country blessed with one of the highest counts of sun-filled days in Europe, also boasts stunning beaches and a rich culinary culture.

Breeding Ground for Startups

Portugal provides optimal conditions for startup development, with numerous technology parks and business incubators scattered across the nation.

Favorable Tax Policy

Portugal’s corporate income tax rates are reduced for certain activities, enhancing its attractiveness to entrepreneurs.

Superior Infrastructure

Portugal’s high-quality road networks, airports, and seaports ensure excellent logistics.

Stability and Security

As one of the most peaceful and stable nations globally, Portugal cultivates a conducive environment for business

Company types


Embarking on a business journey in Portugal paves the way for the accelerated growth and expansion of your enterprise within a European backdrop. The location of your business plays a pivotal role in its success, as it determines accessibility, visibility, and market reach. Through business registration in Portugal, you can unleash your business potential without constraints, positioning your company in a nation brimming with exceptional opportunities for dynamic entrepreneurs.


Below is a categorization of the types of businesses that can be established in Portugal:

  • Individual Entrepreneur with Limited Liability (E.I.R.L.)This serves as the initial leap towards autonomous business operation. It’s an optimum choice for those audacious and driven individuals yearning to exert complete control while keeping potential risks at bay. Rest assured, your personal assets will not be held accountable for the company’s debts.
  • Private Limited Company (LDA)Ascend to the pinnacle of success while keeping your safety lines firmly attached. Fret not about potential hazards, as your liability is circumscribed. Your personal assets are safeguarded, thus enabling you to cultivate your business with serenity.
  • Public Limited Liability Company (SA)Welcome to the major league – LLC. This mode of incorporation suits those whose ambitions include market domination and investment attraction. There are no bounds set for growth and development here.
  • Single Partner Limited Partnership (SA)Forge a robust team and together scale unprecedented heights, with profits and dividends being the spoils. Minimize risks, share triumphs, and fortify your business footprint both in Portugal and globally.
  • Partnership with Unlimited Liability of All (SNC)Unleash the potential of collaborative entrepreneurship. Share both risks and victories, forging a trusted and fruitful partnership.



Lawtter Solutions serves as your dependable navigator in the realm of Portuguese commerce. Discover the array of benefits each type of incorporation has to offer and select the one that aligns best with your unique circumstances. We are here to help you navigate the complexities of starting a business, providing expert guidance and support every step of the way.

Requirements for Company Registration in Portugal


Imagine launching your business in Portugal, where all procedures transpire seamlessly and without hassle. With Lawtter Solutions at your side, this vision is poised to become a reality.


Portugal extends a myriad of opportunities for foreign business owners across sectors such as tourism, real estate, and information technology. By acquainting yourself with the requirements to register a company in Portugal, you can fully leverage the country’s numerous advantages.

  • DirectorNeither your nationality nor your residence serves as a hindrance. Directors can be citizens of any country, provided they have attained the minimum age of 16.
  • ShareholderSimilarly, as a shareholder, your nationality is not a concern. You just need to be at least 18 years old.
  • AddressWe will register your company within the jurisdiction of Portugal. It is mandatory for the company to have a registered address in Portugal.
  • NameLet your distinct name echo the essence of your business. Depending on the company type, append the suitable ending (LDA for Limited Liability Company, SA for Limited Partnership, or SNC for General Partnership).
  • Authorized CapitalThe minimum authorized capital stands at a mere €1 per partner, to be paid up by the end of the first calendar year.
  • Local AccountThere’s no compulsion to open a local account in Portugal; we provide versatile solutions to manage your finances.
  • Registration AgentThe absence of a requirement for a company registration agent in Portugal streamlines the process even further.
  • ReportingPortuguese law mandates all companies to prepare and submit accounts within predetermined deadlines.



With Lawtter Solutions, your entrepreneurial aspirations can actualize sooner than anticipated. Choosing the right business structure is crucial as it lays the foundation for your company’s operations, legal obligations, and overall organizational framework.

Taxation in Portugal


Venture into the realm of global tax prospects in Portugal with Lawtter Solutions. We can guide you through the labyrinth of taxation, enabling you to optimize your resources.

  • Global TaxationPortugal adopts a distinctive approach towards taxation. Resident companies are taxed on their global income, thus allowing you to provide services anywhere, with anyone, without fretting over your company structure.
  • Income TaxWith an income tax rate of a mere 21%, Portugal provides a favorable environment for business growth.
  • Withholding TaxThe withholding tax rate stands at 25%. This assures transparency in the tax system, freeing you to concentrate on business development.
  • VATThe standard VAT rate in Portugal is 23%, but under specific conditions, it could be reduced to 13% or even 6%. This paves the way for new avenues for saving and investment.



Partnering with Lawtter Solutions ensures access to premium tax services and advice on all matters. Our objective is to make the process transparent and straightforward for you. Tax planning with Lawtter Solutions is an investment in your future.

Financial Reporting in Portugal


Experience the ease and effectiveness of managing financial reporting in Portugal with Lawtter Solutions. Your business success is our primary objective. Here are some key aspects of financial reporting in Portugal:

  • Reporting ObligationPortugal mandates all companies to file reports with the tax office. The reporting period is a span of 12 months, aligning with the calendar year. With our assistance, you can effortlessly file these reports online by the 31st of May each year, after the reporting year.
  • Tax PaymentA user-friendly staggered payment system enables you to split your tax payments into three stages: in July, in September, and by the 15th of December in the year during which taxable income arises.
  • Audited AccountsIf your company reaches certain benchmarks – a turnover of €3 million, 50 employees, or assets worth €1.5 million – your accounts must undergo auditing.
  • VAT and PenaltiesPrior to commencing operations, it’s compulsory for a company to register for VAT. Failure to do so could lead to penalties. VAT returns are filed quarterly by the 15th day of the month following the last month of the reporting quarter, or monthly if the company’s turnover exceeds €650,000.



With Lawtter Solutions, your reporting obligations are simplified and made straightforward. We aim to make the management of your financial reporting as effortless as possible. Let us handle the minutiae while you concentrate on shaping your future.

Registration companies

Company incorporation process in Portugal

Ensure efficient and dependable administration of your company in Portugal with Lawtter Solutions. The process of setting up a company in Portugal is outlined as follows:

For successful registration of your company, you will need to furnish the following documents:

  • Proof of Identity: This could be a copy of a foreign or domestic passport.
  • Proof of Residence: This could be a utility bill not exceeding 3 months old (mobile phone bills are not accepted) or a bank statement.


This makes the process of launching a small business in Portugal remarkably straightforward and convenient. Through every stage of company incorporation in Portugal, we stand by you, assisting in managing all aspects of the procedure, thereby facilitating your business growth in Europe without stumbling upon unforeseen difficulties.

Question — answer


If you’re considering online registration of a company in Portugal, we at Lawtter Solutions can efficiently guide you through each step, ensuring that you adhere to all necessary legal protocols. We’ll aid you in amassing all required data and legal documents, such as particulars of shareholders and directors, potential company names, and articles of association. Additionally, we will walk you through the Empresa Online portal maintained by the Portuguese Commercial Registry, confirming the accurate submission and upload of all mandatory information and documents. By retaining the expertise of Lawtter Solutions, you gain the advantage of a streamlined registration process, fully compliant with Portuguese legal frameworks.
To establish a corporate entity in Portugal, several crucial pieces of information are mandated. These include a legally compliant and unique company name, the intended legal structure of the company (be it a Limited Liability Company Lda or a Joint-Stock Company SA), and a valid Portuguese address for the registered office. Identification specifics and addresses for all shareholders and directors must also be provided. Additionally, it is imperative to prepare your articles of association, which define the company’s mission, its share capital, and internal bylaws. These are but a few of the indispensable details needed for the incorporation process.
The investment needed to inaugurate a company in Portugal is set at 4,390 euros. This figure encompasses diverse expenditures such as registration charges, notarial fees, as well as legal and administrative costs. For a tailored cost estimate that aligns with your particular business requirements, it would be prudent to engage the consultancy services of Lawtter Solutions.

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