Company registration in St. Lucia

As entrepreneurs seek to expand their business horizons, many are drawn to captivating and exotic locales. In this context, the St. Lucia сompany register emerges as an exceptionally appealing and lucrative option. This island nation offers more than just scenic beauty, it also presents unique economic benefits for businesses.

1 800 EUR*

Cost of service

1-3 days

Term of registration in the registry

0%, 30%

Income tax

No personal visit

Company registration type


Saint Lucia is a bastion of economic stability with a favorable investment climate.

Lawtter Solutions, recognized for its expertise in legal matters, provides comprehensive support throughout the company formation process. We are well-versed in the intricacies and details required to ensure that your business attains resident status in Saint Lucia without any unnecessary complications. Partner with us, and unlock new possibilities for your business in this remarkable country.



Why is registration beneficial?

St. Lucia is more than just a tropical paradise adorned with palm trees and sandy beaches; it’s a jurisdiction where business and leisure coexist in perfect harmony. When you opt for St. Lucia, you are investing in the future of your company. Mindful of governmental regulations, we ensure full compliance with all applicable laws to guarantee your security.


Financial Haven

St. Lucia extends unique tax benefits that result in savings not just on corporate taxation, but also on individual tax liabilities.

Swiss-Style Banking in the Tropics

The island offers a level of banking confidentiality comparable to that of Switzerland or Luxembourg.

Geopolitical Stability

Set at a distance from global conflicts, St. Lucia boasts a stable government and a reliable legal system.

Gateway to International Markets

The island’s strategic geographic location serves as an ideal launch pad for expanding your business into the Caribbean and North America.

A Realm of Opportunity

The absence of restrictions on foreign asset ownership enables you not only to establish but also to wholly own a business.

Efficiency and Ease

The company incorporation process in St. Lucia is streamlined and devoid of bureaucratic hurdles, facilitating a quick start to your venture.

Fostering Synergistic Partnerships

St. Lucia provides ample opportunities to forge business relationships with neighboring countries and economic blocs.

An Inspiring Environment

The island’s breathtaking natural landscapes and rich cultural heritage serve not only as a backdrop for your business but also as a wellspring of creative ideas and solutions.

Company Limited by Shares

For those seeking both security and flexibility, registering a small business in St. Lucia through Lawtter Solutions offers a robust “corporate shield” to minimize your personal financial liability. As a shareholder, you’ll have the freedom to set your own business rules within the St. Lucia marketplace.


Company Limited by Guarantee

Ideal for non-profit organizations or socially conscious initiatives, Lawtter Solutions streamlines the process to ensure legal compliance, allowing you to concentrate on fulfilling your mission.


Unlimited Liability Company

A choice for the audacious who are optimistic about the future. With Lawtter Solutions, you’ll receive comprehensive legal support from incorporation to ongoing company management. Whether you are a non-resident or a citizen of St. Lucia, we tailor our services to meet your specific business needs.


Public Company

If you’re ready for the major leagues in the financial market, Lawtter Solutions guides you through the journey, balancing minimal risks with maximal gains. Special terms are available for non-residents, making St. Lucia a favorable locale for international business.



Considering a joint venture? Lawtter Solutions furnishes you with all the necessary tools to forge a partnership that is strong, sustainable, and profitable.


Aspiring to be a Caribbean business mogul? St. Lucia imposes no strict residency requirements. The sole prerequisites are that you must be at least 18 years of age and not appear on any sanctions lists. For added privacy, we offer nominee director services that are fully compliant with St. Lucian law.



Who says you can’t have shareholders in a pirate-themed venture? A single shareholder of at least 18 years of age is sufficient, and citizenship is flexible.


Registered Office

Every company requires a local address in St. Lucia — consider it your own private cove in this tropical paradise.



Choosing a name is more than a formality; it’s an important part of your brand identity. Ensure that your name is unique and terminates with “Limited” or “Ltd.”


Authorized Capital

No games here — there are no minimum requirements for authorized capital and no hidden surprises.


Local Account

There’s no obligation to open a local bank account; feel free to choose a banking location where you are most comfortable.


Registration Agent

By St. Lucian Law, your company needs a reliable registration agent, and Lawtter Solutions is pleased to assume this role for you.



Financial transparency is paramount, and your company is required to submit financial statements to demonstrate its fiscal integrity.



With Lawtter Solutions, your entrepreneurial dreams in St. Lucia can become a reality. We provide more than just company registration; we offer a comprehensive suite of services to ensure your Caribbean business venture thrives.

Taxation in St. Lucia

Territorial Principle

Think of your business in St. Lucia as your private Caribbean sanctuary. Taxes are levied solely on the income generated within the island’s borders; offshore earnings remain untouched.


Variable Rates

Rather than a fixed tax rate, St. Lucia offers a tiered system with rates ranging from 10% to 30%, contingent upon your income level. Envision this as a ladder to financial success, where each rate marks a new milestone in your journey.


VAT a Manageable Expense, Not a Burden

In many countries, the Value-Added Tax (VAT) can feel like a weight dragging down entrepreneurs. In St. Lucia, however, VAT stands at a manageable 12.5%, with a reduced rate of 7% even available.


Dividends Your Personal Treasure Chest

When it comes to dividends, St. Lucia lets you keep your “treasure” all to yourself. With zero taxation on dividends, it’s akin to discovering a chest full of gold without having to part with a single coin.

Reporting in St. Lucia

Reporting in St. Lucia

A Growth Tool, Not a Bureaucratic Hassle: Think of your financial reporting in St. Lucia as a well-crafted kaleidoscope where each facet represents a segment of your income, expenses, and investments. Lawtter Solutions assists you in organizing this kaleidoscope into a coherent and skillful portrait, rather than a chaotic jumble.


Flexible Reporting Period

Opt for a reporting period that fits your business like a bespoke suit. Choose any 12-month period that suits your needs, making the process both convenient and stress-free.


Motivating Deadlines

In St. Lucia, deadlines serve as motivational benchmarks rather than as intimidating hurdles. Submit your financial statements by April 1 and experience the sense of crossing a marathon’s finish line—only here, the prize is a stable and transparent business.


Audit at Your Discretion

Worried about audits? There’s no reason to be. In St. Lucia, audits are optional, allowing you to focus on running your business rather than fretting over external reviews.


Pre-AGM Reporting

If you’re preparing for an Annual General Meeting, simply submit a copy of the report to the Registry 21 days in advance. This allows your shareholders to witness the growth of their investment firsthand.


Exemptions for Exceptional Cases

In rare instances, exemptions from reporting may be granted, acting as a VIP pass to a realm of financial autonomy.



At Lawtter Solutions, we aim to make the reporting process not just streamlined but also growth-centric. While we may not have a magic wand, we do possess the expertise and personalized approach to ensure that every number in your report contributes to your overarching financial success. Elevate your business to new heights in St. Lucia.

Registration companies

Procedure for Company Registration in St. Lucia

Say goodbye to sluggish bureaucracy and perplexing paperwork. With Lawtter Solutions, the process of establishing a company in St. Lucia transforms into a streamlined endeavor — essentially an intellectual sprint where you’re the favored contender. Rest assured, your personal information is fully protected under stringent data protection laws. Additionally, visa requirements are not a barrier to company formation in St. Lucia, as our primary aim is to simplify bureaucratic complexities while ensuring full legal compliance.

Essential Documents for Registration:

  • Your national or foreign passport serves not merely as identification but as a gateway to global business opportunities. A copy is all that’s needed to set you on a path to expanding your business horizons.
  • Proof of your residential address is also required. A utility bill or bank statement, dated no more than three months prior, is generally sufficient.

Ready-made companies

Buy St. Lucia company: Ready-made Offshore Сompanies

Have you ever dreamt of owning your own business, but been deterred by bureaucratic complexities and time constraints? Our pre-established St. Lucia offshore companies offer you an exclusive gateway into the entrepreneurial world.


Why choose a turnkey solution? To initiate operations, all you require is a single director and one shareholder — no need to scout for partners or co-founders. With Lawtter Solutions by your side, you’re already a complete team. Moreover, both the incorporation agent and legal address are pre-arranged, sparing you the hassle of searching for these necessities.


While these ready-made entities do not come with pre-existing bank accounts, this presents an opportunity for you to select a financial institution that aligns flawlessly with your business objectives. However, this choice should be made judiciously, as not all banks in St. Lucia are amenable to opening accounts for traditional offshore companies.


By partnering with us, you’ll receive a comprehensive package of all essential St. Lucia companies register documents. You won’t have to linger in anticipation of registration completion. Your company is prepared to launch immediately. Furthermore, we offer specialized guidance to assist you in choosing the most suitable bank for your business plan.


With Lawtter Solutions, you’ll gain access to the most current and reliable information to ensure the success of your business venture in St. Lucia. From customizable tax strategies to streamlined reporting procedures, and from impeccable legal compliance to comprehensive incorporation services or acquisition of pre-established companies, we facilitate a swift, seamless, and efficient business launch. Don’t miss the opportunity to benefit from our specialized expertise and tailored support at each phase of your project. With Lawtter Solutions, your St. Lucia-based company will do more than just survive — it will flourish.

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