Company registration in Serbia

Unveil a boundless horizon of possibilities, and identify an auspicious pathway to business growth – all of this is within your reach with company registration in Serbia. Renowned for its exquisite beauty, rich cultural heritage, robust economy, and progressive business environment, Serbia also boasts a welcoming ambiance. In this country, entrepreneurship is not only thriving but is actively encouraged by the government, which enthusiastically backs new ventures. It’s time for you to become an integral part of this exhilarating journey.

3 100 EUR*

Cost of service

5-7 days

Term of registration in the registry


Income tax

No personal visit

Company registration type


When you partner with us, the registration process becomes streamlined and effortless.

We fully engage with your business aspirations, providing a bespoke approach at each juncture. Armed with extensive resources and expertise, our seasoned team is equipped to transform your vision into a tangible reality.


Lawtter Solutions is your trusted partner to set up a new company, guiding you every step of the way, from the initial paperwork to the final stages of incorporation. With Lawtter Solutions, company registration in Serbia evolves from an insuperable challenge to a clear and manageable process. Revel in the process of nurturing your business while we tend to the minutiae. Embrace the spectrum of opportunities in Serbia with Lawtter Solutions.



The Benefits of Incorporating a Business in Serbia


Serbia, a European nation boasting a well-established industrial sector, presents abundant prospects for establishing and operating a thriving business. The incorporation of a company in Serbia could potentially lead to securing a future residence permit, with the registration process being far from taxing. Serbia provides encouraging and advantageous conditions for fostering entrepreneurial ventures.


Economic stability

Serbia’s robust economic landscape, characterized by active growth, offers your business a platform for assured development and a future brimming with promise.

Gateway to Europe

Serbia’s strategic positioning at the crossroads of Europe provides your enterprise with immediate access to over 15 diverse markets.

Tax incentives

The Serbian tax regime offers an array of appealing tax rates and incentives for investors, fostering a conducive environment for business expansion.

Technological advancements

Serbia is at the forefront of the high-tech sector’s dynamic growth, crafting an optimal environment for technological start-ups and IT firms.

Educated workforce

The commendable level of education in Serbia, particularly in the fields of engineering and technology, provides investors with a reservoir of highly skilled professionals.

European Union relations

While Serbia is not currently an EU member, its active cooperation with the union could facilitate your business’s entry into European markets.

Pro-business legislature

The Serbian government is continually working towards enhancing the business environment through systematic reforms and reducing bureaucratic red tape.

Investment opportunities

Serbia offers a broad array of governmental support mechanisms for foreign investors, including grants and subsidies.

Strategic alliances

Owing to Serbia’s robust diplomatic ties, companies registered in Serbia can more readily establish partnerships with other nations.

Political stability

Serbia’s stable political climate further boosts investor confidence, assuring the stability and potential growth of its investments.

Company types

Considering launching a business in Serbia, but uncertain about the appropriate type of company registration to pursue? Rest assured, Lawtter Solutions is here to guide you toward the optimal choice and provide comprehensive legal assistance throughout the entire registration process. Lawtter Solutions makes navigating the Business Register Serbia a seamless experience, ensuring efficient and timely registration of your company in Serbia.

Sole Proprietorship

Eager to assert yourself as an autonomous and determined entrepreneur? Sole Proprietorship provides the opportunity to establish your own venture with minimal expenditures and in a condensed timeframe. Revel in the absolute freedom to direct all aspects of your business.


Private Limited Liability Companies

Safeguard your personal assets from business liabilities by founding a Private Limited Liability Company. This structure is perfect for small and medium-sized businesses that require a balance between managerial flexibility and legal protection.


Joint Stock Company

Primed to propel your enterprise to unprecedented heights? A Joint Stock Company permits the accumulation of significant capital for extensive investments and critical strategic projects. You can have confidence in the reliability and transparency of all transactions.


Single Partner Limited Partnership (General Partnership)

Reluctant to venture into the business world solo? Collaborate with partners and collectively ascend the ladder of success. Your team forms the backbone of your enterprise.


Limited Partnership

Unite efforts and distribute risks with your partners. A Limited Partnership ensures a fair apportionment of liability and profit sharing.



Opt for Lawtter Solutions to kick-start your venture in Serbia. We possess the know-how to facilitate seamless navigation through every phase of the procedure, allowing you to concentrate on your business. Allow us to unlock the gateway to your success. With Lawtter Solutions, you receive comprehensive company registration services, simplifying the complex process of setting up your business and enabling you to focus on your core objectives.

Prerequisites for Incorporating a Business in Serbia

Looking to establish a business in Serbia? Lawtter Solutions offers an effective and transparent approach to company registration.


Select your role without any constraints. Serbia permits individuals of any nationality to serve as a director. Only a single director is mandatory, and if you’re above 18, you’re a fitting candidate.



Your choices are again unlimited. Serbia imposes no residency prerequisites for shareholders, thereby enabling citizens of any country to become shareholders. The minimum age for a shareholder is 18, and the requisite minimum number of shareholders is one.



Your company deserves a home. The sole requirement is a legitimate office address in Serbia – a task we’re ready to assist you with.



Here’s your chance to be inventive. Your company’s name should be unique. Depending on your company type, choose an appropriate suffix for the name: D.O.O. for a limited liability company, A.D. for a joint stock company, O.D. for an unlimited liability company, and K.D. for a limited partnership.


Authorized capital

This requirement offers surprising flexibility. There’s no obligation to pay authorized capital. Nevertheless, the minimum share capital contribution is merely €1 for a limited liability company and €25,000 for a limited company.


Local account

The decision is in your hands. Unlike joint stock companies, limited liability companies are not required to open a local bank account.


Registration agent

As per Serbian law, a company is not obligated to have a registration agent or secretary.



To ensure transparency and adherence to business procedures, all companies must prepare and file reports in a timely fashion.



Lawtter Solutions simplifies company registration for online business processes in Serbia, making it economical and comprehensible for you. Entrust your business to us, and experience unwavering confidence.

Tax Regime in Serbia

Are you enticed by Serbia’s forward-thinking economic growth, abundant market, and welcoming attitude toward fresh endeavors? Excellent! We are here to assist you in capitalizing on the benefits of the country’s taxation system effectively. Serbia operates a global taxation system, ensuring your profits generated anywhere around the globe are taxed at a consistent and predictable rate of 15%. Be it services provided in Berlin, goods sold in Shanghai, or contracts executed in New York, your revenue remains secure with us.

But there’s more! In instances where dividends are dispersed to foreign shareholders, the withholding tax rate stands at a mere 20%. This generates additional incentives for international investment and bolsters your business’s reputation on the global platform.


Furthermore, it’s important to note the VAT structure. While the standard rate in Serbia is 20%, a reduced rate of 10% is applied to certain categories of goods and services. We are here to help you navigate these subtleties and leverage them to your advantage.


With Lawtter Solutions, your finances are in safe hands. We aim to simplify your journey to success by mitigating tax risks and relieving you of accounting concerns. Together, we will carve out your financial success story in Serbia. We offer a personalized approach to every client, ensuring your company’s activity aligns with the legal requirements and business environment of Serbia.

Entrust us with your financial strategy and discover how effortless and profitable conducting business in Serbia with Lawtter Solutions can be.

Financial Reporting in Serbia

Maintaining accuracy, reliability, and strict adherence to all laws and regulations is imperative for your business in Serbia. This is precisely what Lawtter Solutions assures you in the realm of financial reporting. Confidence in your business is built upon transparent reporting. Serbian companies are mandated to submit annual reports to the Commercial Register no later than June 30 of the subsequent year. With our assistance, this deadline will never slip by unnoticed. Our expert team will ensure your reports are compiled and submitted punctually, even if your company’s fiscal year differs from the calendar year.

In terms of tax reporting, we deliver both flexibility and dependability. While the tax period in Serbia corresponds with the calendar year, legal entities are permitted to choose an alternate tax period spanning 12 months. Regardless of your chosen period, we guarantee the timely submission of tax returns to the tax authorities, no later than 180 days after the end of the tax year.


For medium or large businesses, or if your revenue surpasses €4,400,000, your operations are subject to an audit. Our seasoned auditors will execute this process with utmost precision, allowing you to run your business with peace of mind.


Lawtter Solutions serves as your shield against unnecessary bureaucratic intricacies. Our team of professionals will handle all aspects of reporting, allowing you to focus on what truly counts – your business. Reliability, professionalism, and customer care form the three pillars on which we structure our work. Entrust your reporting to us, and witness how effortless and secure conducting business in Serbia with Lawtter Solutions can be.

Registration companies

The Procedure for Incorporating a Company in Serbia

Embarking on a new business venture in Serbia becomes impressively straightforward with Lawtter Solutions! Our experts transform intricate procedures into a smooth and navigable journey toward success. We assist founders in navigating the complexities of company registration, providing a comprehensive range of services tailored to their specific needs and business goals. Here’s what we have to offer:

With Lawtter Solutions, the process of registering your company in Serbia becomes a pleasant and stress-free experience. Explore new business horizons without any hassle or anxiety with us.


For successful registration of your company, you will need to provide the following documents:

  • Proof of Identity: Your identity is highly valuable. We accept copies of both your foreign and national passports. Your personal data is under our reliable protection.
  • Proof of Address: Your location is key information for successful registration. You will be required to provide a supporting document other than a passport or driver’s license. This could be a recent (no older than 3 months) utility bill or bank statement. Please note that a cell phone bill will not be accepted in this context.


Lawtter Solutions prides itself on its meticulous handling of all necessary documentation, ensuring that each step of the company registration process is handled with utmost accuracy and professionalism. With our expertise, opening a new company in Serbia becomes a streamlined and straightforward process, allowing you to focus on your core business operations.

Question — answer


At Lawtter Solutions, we’ve streamlined the process of company registration in Serbia to an online procedure. Start by reaching out to us via our website, where you’ll complete an initial application form detailing your business objectives and preferences. We’ll then guide you through the due diligence process, company name verification, document preparation, filing, and the drafting of statutory documents, all through a secure online platform.
In order to set up a company in Serbia, you will need to provide some essential details. These include your chosen company name, information on the company director and shareholders (at least one of each is necessary, and they can be of any nationality), a real office address within Serbia, and your proposed authorized capital (minimum €1 for a limited liability company and €25,000 for a limited company). Personal identity documents for each party involved, such as a passport copy, and proof of address, such as a utility bill or bank statement no older than three months, are also required.
The cost of registering a company in Serbia can vary depending on the type and size of the company, as well as any additional services you may need, such as accounting or legal support. We at Lawtter Solutions pride ourselves on offering a range of flexible and competitively priced packages tailored to the specific needs of your business. For a detailed cost estimate, we recommend you get in touch with our team to discuss your unique requirements.

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