Opening a bank account in Slovenia

Slovenia is a small country located in the Balkan Peninsula region. It is a member of the EU and NATO. It offers attractive living and business conditions, which is why many people seek to obtain a residence permit or purchase real estate there. Companies are interested in opening branches in Slovenia to enter the EU markets. However, in order to achieve these goals, it is necessary to open a bank account in Slovenia for individuals or legal entities. Lawtter Solutions offers its clients the services of registering accounts with financial organizations or payment systems that operate in Slovenia.

Order a service

1 000 EUR*

The cost of the service

1-3 months

Term for opening a bank account



With personal visit

Account opening type

Opening an account

General Information

In general, Slovenia is quite loyal to non-residents, so foreign citizens and companies can open Slovenian bank accounts. Licenses for financial activities are issued by the National Bank of the country. There are three types of accounts that can be opened in Slovenia:

  • Checking account;
  • Savings account;
  • Investment account.

Clients can take advantage of a wide range of bank services. In particular, foreign citizens and companies have access to letters of credit and checkbooks. Also, obtaining loans for individuals or legal entities is possible.

In general, banking in Slovenia is quite well-developed. Among other things, it is also technologically advanced. Banks and payment systems offer applications that allow you to conveniently control your finances and receive many services. Remote application while abroad is also possible. However, full opening a bank account in Slovenia from abroad is not available. The client will have to come to the branch to undergo verification. Also, additional documents may be required, which can be obtained only in this country. The peculiarities of the package of documents include a certificate of non-criminalization for individuals and TIN for legal entities.



Advantages of opening an account in Slovenia

Opening a bank account in Slovenia allows clients to obtain several important benefits. The main ones are as follows:


Developed banking system

Many banks are operating in the country, both local and branches of foreign financial organizations.

Political stability

Slovenia is a country that does not experience political turmoil, so it is safe to conduct business here.

Excellent reputation

Slovenia is a member of the EU. The country is on the white list for opening bank accounts. Slovenia is not an offshore country, and there will be no problems in doing business here.

Low tariffs

The level of service fees, transaction fees, and other charges in Slovenia can be considered favorable.

Ability to work with multi-currency accounts

Clients can open Slovenian bank accounts in any currency they need.

Stages of opening an account

Lawtter Solutions and its services

Lawtter Solutions offers its clients the opportunity to open an account in Slovenia. The company’s specialists have extensive experience in this field. Our clients can open an account in one of the leading banks in the country, for example:

  • Abanka;
  • Factor Banka;
  • Raiffeisen Banka D. D.;
  • Banka Sparkasse;
  • NLB;
  • Addiko Banka, etc.


Account opening works are carried out strictly in accordance with the step-by-step procedure:

Lawtter Solutions provides turnkey account openings in Slovenia in the shortest possible time. Sign up for an initial consultation to learn more about our services.


Documents for account opening

In order to open an account in Slovenia, a client will need a package of documents.


For individuals, it includes:

  • ID.
  • Proof of residential address.
  • Confirmation of origin of funds.
  • A certificate of no criminal record.
  • Resume (CV).


As for legal entities, they need the following documents:

  • Constituent documents of a legal entity.
  • Proof of contribution of authorized capital (minimum 7,500 EUR for a Slovenian branch).
  • IDs of the director and shareholder (if the account is opened by the manager, then a power of attorney issued by the director and the ID of the manager are required).
  • Confirmation of residential address of director, shareholders, and manager.
  • Contracts with partners.
  • Confirmation of origin of funds.


The above list of documents is indicative. It may vary depending on the bank. More precise information will be provided by Lawtter Solutions consultants.

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