Company registration in Costa Rica

Do you envision Costa Rica solely as a land of idyllic beaches, majestic volcanoes, and unparalleled climate? Allow us to expand your perspective: it’s also an optimal locale for registering your business. Imagine operating a company in a country marked by political stability, a favorable tax regime, and abundant growth opportunities. Costa Rica presents a unique blend of the exotic and the pragmatic when it comes to conducting business.

Order a service

3 100 EUR*

Cost of service

1-3 days

Term of registration in the registry

0%, 30%

Income tax

No personal visit

Company registration type


With Lawtter Solutions, the process of starting a business in Costa Rica becomes not just feasible but also comprehensible.

We adhere to the intricacies of local laws and leverage our extensive experience to ensure your business is registered both quickly and efficiently. Time is a precious commodity in the world of business, and if you’re aiming to elevate your enterprise to the next level, we are poised to be your gateway to this exhilarating new chapter.


Why Is It Advantageous to Register?

In Costa Rica, the legal framework operates within a complex yet well-organized hierarchy of legislative acts.


This legislative architecture is sculpted by a range of pivotal documents, spanning from the Constitution to subsidiary regulations issued by various executive bodies. The hierarchy of these legal sources is clearly delineated: the Constitution occupies the apex, followed by laws and resolutions passed by Parliament, and then come presidential decrees and other administrative directives.

As for corporate law, its cornerstone is the country’s Commercial Code (Law No. 3284). This seminal document governs a broad spectrum of activities, from the establishment of a company to its dissolution, thereby offering an extensive toolkit for conducting business. Utilizing this resource, companies can strategically plan their operations to align with legal requirements and mitigate risks arising from unforeseen legal challenges.


Tax Haven

Benefit from low tax rates and opportunities for tax optimization while remaining fully compliant with the law.

Political Stability

The country’s political equilibrium offers peace of mind for business owners.

Business-Friendly Climate

Enjoy favorable weather conditions, a welcome respite for entrepreneurs weary of dreary routines.

Strategic Location

Situated as a conduit between North and South America, Costa Rica enables you to globalize on your terms.

Data Security

Stringent privacy laws ensure that your business information remains confidential and secure.

Global Credibility

Costa Rica adheres to international standards and agreements, enhancing your business reputation on the world stage.

Efficiency and Affordability

Experience quick and cost-effective registration procedures. Time is money, and this is well-understood here.

Sectoral Diversity

Whether you’re in tourism, agribusiness, or other fields, your ideas will find a receptive environment.

Talented Workforce

Gain access to an educated and multilingual labor pool, allowing your business to communicate in multiple languages.

Government Incentives

Avail yourself of various investment incentives and subsidies to build your business on a solid foundation.

Sustainability Focus

With an emphasis on environmental responsibility, Costa Rica adds a green feather to your corporate cap.

Monetary Flexibility

Experience unrestricted currency transactions, facilitating smooth international dealings.

Comprehensive Agreements

Leverage an extensive network of bilateral and multilateral treaties to strategize your international operations wisely.

Work-Life Harmony

Stunning beaches and natural landscapes provide the ideal setting for corporate events and leisure activities.

Technological Advancement

Capitalize on the booming high-tech sector and position your business at the cutting edge of progress.

  • Limited Liability Company (Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada)
    Build a business empire without putting your personal assets on the line. With a flexible and efficient management structure, a Limited Liability Company is ideal for small to medium-sized enterprises. Lawtter Solutions will guide you through every step of the incorporation process.
  • Stock Corporation (Sociedad Anónima)
    In a Stock Corporation, your shares serve as your capital, offering abundant opportunities to attract investment and scale your business. This structure is well-suited for companies aiming for significant expansion. Lawtter Solutions stands as your reliable partner in achieving these goals.
  • Costa Rica Public Limited Liability Company (Sociedad Anónima Abierta; S.A.A.)
    Compete in the major financial arenas by attracting high-profile investors and entering public markets. With Lawtter Solutions, your company will fulfill all regulatory requirements to operate internationally.
  • Partnerships (Sociedad en Comandita Simple; Sociedad en Nombre Colectivo)
    Forge the dream team and embark on a joint venture. This business format is perfect for those who value collective intelligence and aim to pool resources to attain shared objectives. Lawtter Solutions’ specialists will ensure that all partner rights and responsibilities are legally codified.

  • Director
    Forget about age and geographic restrictions. All you need is a single director who is at least 18 years old; residency is not a concern. For larger corporate structures like SAs, a minimum of three directors is required, all free from any sanctions-related complications.
  • Shareholder
    The criteria for shareholders mirror those for directors: at least 18 years old with a minimum of one shareholder for SRLs and two for SAs. Citizenship from any country is acceptable, with sanctions being the sole disqualifier.
  • Registered Address
    While the world may be vast, your company is required to have a physical address in Costa Rica, which many would agree is an appealing location.
  • Company Name
    Your company name should be not only unique but also aligned with your chosen legal structure — be it SRL, SA, or SAA. Think of it as a business dress code.
  • Authorized Capital
    There are no requirements for authorized capital, allowing you to start a business with whatever resources you currently possess.
  • Local Bank Account
    Having a local bank account is optional. If you’d prefer a bank account in Switzerland or another country, we can facilitate that for you.
  • Registration Agent
    One of the few necessities is to appoint a registration agent, a role we are perfectly positioned to fill.
  • Compliance Reporting
    Adherence to formalities is crucial. Reporting must be completed, and we have all the necessary tools to streamline the process for you.



Choosing to register your company in Costa Rica with Lawtter Solutions will mark your first and most significant step toward financial independence and international business success.

Taxation in Costa Rica


  • Territorial Taxation
    Set aside concerns about global tax liabilities. In Costa Rica, you are taxed only on income generated within the country — a boon for businesses with a global outlook.
  • Progressive Tax Rates
    We understand that every penny matters. Costa Rica’s tax rates are progressive, ranging from 5% to 30%, so lower gross income means a reduced tax burden. This structure allows you to maximize your earnings while minimizing your tax obligations.
  • Flexible VAT Options
    The standard VAT rate is 13%, but that’s not the whole story. Reduced rates of 4%, 2%, and 1% are available for certain activities, offering you a competitive edge.
  • Manageable Dividend Taxation
    Dividends disbursed to shareholders are subject to a 15% tax rate — a reasonable expense considering the investment opportunities for growing your business in Costa Rica.



Tax Challenges? Lawtter Solutions is well-versed in the complexities of Costa Rica’s tax system. We can assist you not only in ensuring compliance but also in optimizing your tax strategy to fuel your business growth.

Reporting in Costa Rica


Filing a tax return in Costa Rica has evolved from being merely an obligation to serving as a tool for managing your business. As of 2020, complete financial transparency is required for all companies, whether active or dormant. By March 15 of each subsequent year, your tax return must be submitted to the IRS. If your company generates no income within Costa Rica, you benefit from a simplified tax filing process that requires only the reporting of assets and liabilities, sparing you unnecessary complications.

Registration companies

Costa Rica Company Register Procedure

Essential Documentation for Stakeholders: If you hold roles as a director, shareholder, and beneficial owner, you’ll only require two fundamental categories of documents.

  • Proof of Identity: The first necessity is a document verifying your identity. This can either be a copy of your foreign or domestic passport. In essence, it’s straightforward.
  • Proof of Address: Your next step is to furnish a document confirming your residential address. Acceptable documents include a utility bill no older than three months, or a bank statement. Please note that cell phone bills are not accepted for this verification.

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